Wheel of Fortune: Chicago Week

Here are the bonus puzzles from Wheel of Fortune (May 15 – May 19, 2017), featuring Chicago in their Great American Cities theme.

Mon 5-15-17 Wheel: $15,510 + $34,000 On Jeopardy: $27,600
Justyna Crunk on Wheel of Fortune (5-15-2017)
Justyna Crunk filled in the whole last word with her letter picks. There were a couple of A’s and a C in the first word, too. Result: a quick solve and an extra $34,000 for a total of $49,510.

Tue 5-16-17 Wheel: $34,000 + $34,000 On Jeopardy: $23,601
Tom Sull on Wheel of Fortune (5-16-2017)
Tom Sull picked a lucky P and an H. The rest of his choices weren’t in the puzzle but he didn’t need them. He won another $34,000, doubling his total winning to $68,000. Wow!

Wed 5-17-17 Wheel: $23,398 + $34,000 On Jeopardy: $13,700
Glen Czernik on Wheel of Fortune (5-17-2017)
Glen Czernik only got his vowel out of his letter picks. Nonetheless, he solved the puzzle with lightning speed. That put an extra $34,000 in his pocket, giving him a $57,398 payday.

Thu 5-18-17 Wheel: $15,850 + $45,000 On Jeopardy: $10,000
Elizabeth Miller on Wheel of Fortune (5-18-2017)
Elizabeth Miller had a Wild Card entitling her to an extra consonant. She only got half of her consonants but her 3 O’s certainly helped out. She picked up an extra $45,000. Total haul: $60,850.

Random Pat Sajak quip: “During the commercial, it just occurred to me. This and Jeopardy! are the last two shows on television not hosted by Steve Harvey. I don’t know why that just occurred to me.”

Fri 5-19-17 Wheel: $24,550 + $0 On Jeopardy: $100,000
Todd Davidson on Wheel of Fortune (5-19-2017)
Todd Davidson got a short 3 word puzzle with only a couple of letters. His own choices added zippo so, yeah, that did nothing to help him out. He didn’t win the Lincoln on the card he picked. Sad ending to an almost perfect week!


Note on the Jeopardy! score: This was the last week in the Jeopardy! 2017 Teachers Tournament. Regardless of the final score, what the winner actually got was a spot in the last 2 matches of the week. The last 3 standing get cash prizes of $25K, $50K or $100K on Friday.

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6 Responses

  1. Dalton HIgbee says:

    William, I rather doubt it will be next week.

  2. Dalton HIgbee says:

    Sorry folks, Wheel of Fortune missed out on having a perfect week for Bonus Round puzzles.

  3. Richard Corliss says:

    Wow! What a week this has been!

    • William Weyser says:

      I’m hoping that Wheel Of Fortune can go 5/5 on Bonus Round Puzzles this week, and if it can, then this will be a good week for JEOPARDY! & Wheel Of Fortune at the same time.

      • Dalton HIgbee says:

        And it will not happen on Wheel of Fortune tonight because of a tough Bonus Round puzzle.

        • William Weyser says:

          I’m happy with the results. 4/5 is not so bad, and it’s still a good week for Wheel Of Fortune, but I’m still looking for a perfect 5/5. Will it be next week? We’ll just to have to wait and see.