Wheel of Fortune, Week of 12-21-2020

It’s Wheel of Fortune, America’s Game and we’re posting the Bonus Puzzle with the winner’s final prize amount. By way of comparison, the Jeopardy! payoff is also included with a link to the recap of that game.

Theme: Home for the Holidays

Mon 12-21-20: $49,190
On Jeopardy: $29,900
Murray on Wheel of Fortune (12-21-2020)
Murray only got two O’s from his letters. That was going nowhere,
S H _ _ T _ F _ _ I R _ C _ E
Pat joked that he got the first word right, then revealed that the bonus prize would have been $38,000. Murray won more than that in the main game and that always makes it less of a blow.

Tue 12-22-20: $14,190
On Jeopardy: $17,401
Rachel on Wheel of Fortune (12-22-2020)
Rachel scored one F (first letter of first word) and one A (last letter of second word). Pat thought that gave her a fighting chance. I thought it indicated she knew what the first word was and it
W _ _ _ D _ N G _ H _ M E
that she didn’t choose the other missing consonant in the first word. She would have won that $38,000 for sure!

Wed 12-23-20: $25,850
On Jeopardy: $16,300
Jessica on Wheel of Fortune (12-23-2020)
Jessica only got one O out of her letter, which included a Wild Card pick! As hopeless as that look, she nailed that second word but there just was
N _ _ _ N _ U _ H _ I M _ L _ F _
to solve that last word! It was like yesterday in the sense that the key letter is a rarely picked one. That’s just wicked! Pat had another $38,000 card.

Thu 12-24-20: $22,705
On Jeopardy: $26,600
Donnie on Wheel of Fortune (12-24-2020)
Donnie only got an I out of the letters he chose. Let’s face it! It has just not been
_ H _ B _ S _ W _ _ K _ V _ R
for filling in the puzzles. The prize would have been $38,000 but Donnie didn’t have a prayer!

Fri 12-25-20: $25,050
On Jeopardy: $28,900
Brittany on Wheel of Fortune (12-25-2020)
Brittany put two I’s and one G in her bonus puzzle. Unfortunately, they did not
F A _ _ _ N F A V _ R A _ _ E P _ S _ T _ _ N S ,
so we closed out the week with another bust. What’s worse… Pat had a $45,000 card.



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