10 Jeopardy! Clues October 16, 2018

Here are two categories from the 10-16-2018 Jeopardy! match. The players got all the clues in each of them.

($200) World War II P.O.W.s looked forward to the arrival of food-filled parcels from this international organization
($400) In winter 1777 a quartermaster reported he had just 25 barrels of flour & a little pork to feed an army camped here
($600) Nikita Khrushchev wrote, “without” this Hormel product, “we wouldn’t have been able to feed our army” in WWII
($800) In 1918 U-boats cut food shipments to England, where even the King had this type of card allotting staples like milk & flour
($1000) Union soldier of the Civil War subsisted largely on tough biscuits with this durable name


($400) Sure, you could send a letter using this horseback service; let’s see– 200 miles a day for 2,000 miles… or maybe just email
($800) Instagram @timothyosullivan is a downer with shots like “A Harvest of Death” from this July 1863 battlefield
($1200) From Louisa May Alcott’s blog in 1871: “This aptly titled 1st sequel– done! Jo runs a school for boys! Now… party time!”
($1600) This President is on Twitter again– “People are saying I’m ill. Tippecanoe is fine– no cold! Best month ever, that I can tell you!”
($2000) Mapquest really helped Lewis & Clark when they set out from this Midwest city on the Mississippi on May 14, 1804


Today’s Daily Doubles and more information on Final Jeopardy! on Fikkle Fame’s full Daily Jeopardy! Recap

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