10 Jeopardy! Clues May 16, 2018

The players got all the clues in these 2 categories from the 5-16-2018 Jeopardy! match, except the 2 marked with an asterisk.

SOCIOLOGY ($400) This 5-letter plural follows “social” to refer to platforms like Twitter that have changed communication

($800) First Communion can be this type of 3-word ritual representing a change from one role to another

*($1200) Trobriand Islanders trade these items, important in the plots of “Titanic” & “Anastasia”

($1600) Back in 1868 N.Y.’s Gov. made note of homelessness among these men; how there’s a whole cabinet dept. to help them

($2000) In 1977, the A.S.A. president defined it as “a set of norms & values… that sharply contradict the dominant” ones


($200) That loop in the eye of a needle
($400) To be under obligation to repay something
($600) Mr. Sheep’s missus
($800) It appears in many Dutch place names as when it follower “Zuider”
*($1000) The book “Man’s Search for Meaning” says that he who has this word to live can bear almost any “how”

Answers show

Today’s Daily Doubles and more information on Final Jeopardy! on Fikkle Fame’s full Daily Jeopardy! Recap

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