Sarah Palin Talks to Greta Van Susteren

When was the last time we saw Sarah Palin? “On The Record” with Greta Van Susteren the other day, where she had this to say about Susan Rice and the Obama Administration incompetent and dishonest.

“Susan Rice’s handling of Libya has been part and parcel of the Obama Administration’s handling of Libya which has been appalling — it’s been atrocious — and it’s really indicative of a lack of competency and truthfulness and, certainly, transparency in the entire Obama Administration.”

Greta Van Susteren wanted Palin to agree that there was sexism involved but Palin declared “It has nothing to do with her gender.”

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2 Responses

  1. sharna says:

    Poor Sarah–her 15 minutes of fame is up. There is no family in America that is disliked more than these sponges. Even Casey Anthony is more likeable–at least her family doesn’t try to get her to bump and grind on Dancing with the Stars and Casey’s daughter never called her relatives crude names and hit them. Tell us again, Sarah, why we should even believe anything coming out of your mouth.

  2. maeve says:

    Greta, how do you keep from laughing when you interview Sarah Palin? Won’t any of the other staff people at FOX even interview this Diva? If your husband didn’t work for her, would you refuse to talk to her, too. Who will you be doing next since Sarah no longer works at FOX?