Bruni Pardon Bags

It wasn’t that long ago that French President Nicolas Sarkozy was in court trying to get his voodoo doll banned.

Now it’s the French First Lady’s turn– again. They were in court back in January over Irish budget airline Ryanair’s advertisement featuring Carla Bruni’s image with a message saying thanks to cheap flights, her Italian relatives would be able to attend her wedding to Sarkozy. A French court ordered Ryanair to pay symbolic damages of one euro to Sarkozy and 60,000 euros to his wife. At least they won that one.

This lawsuit is against a firm named “Pardon” that was selling bags with Carla Bruni’s nude image accompanied by a message that translates: “My man should have bought me Pardon.” Damages are being sought to the tune of some $160,000 even though the company has pulled the bags, which were only on sale a few days.

The Sarkozys are setting some kind of record for most litigious First Couple. But in Mrs. Sarkozy’s cases, you at least have to wonder where these companies get the idea they can just jack her images for their ads without so much as a howdy do. She’s not a politician.

This latest controversy is taking place on this little island in the Indian Ocean named RĂ©union. We are usually too lazy to type in the accent marks, and this time is no exception — we copied it from Nationmaster.

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