Wheel of Fortune: Disney Grand Adventures Week

Here are the bonus puzzles from DISNEY GRAND ADVENTURE WEEK on Wheel of Fortune (April 3 – April 7, 2017). The top prize amounts are listed, as well as the top prize amount from the Jeopardy! episode that same day. The puzzle solutions are at the bottom.

Mon 4-3-17: Wheel: $29,640 + $34,000 (On Jeopardy: $29,000)
Julie & Robert Smith on Wheel of Fortune (4-3-2017)
Julie and Robert Smith picked the lucky vowel, for sure. Julie wasted no seconds figuring out the Bonus Round puzzle.

Tue 4-4-17: Wheel: $17,240 + 0 (On Jeopardy: $10,200)
Melinda & Larry Gardner on Wheel of Fortune (4-4-2017)
Melinda and Larry Gardner got a couple of M’s and one O with their letter picks, but it wasn’t enough to help them get an extra $34,000.

Wed 4-5-17: Wheel: $17,171 + 0 (On Jeopardy: $21,600)
Diana and Dick Graham on Wheel of Fortune (4-5-2017)
Diana and Dick Graham’s letter picks helped them fill in the ending of the first word, but they got no other help from their choices. They missed out on an extra $34,000.

Thu 4-6-17: Wheel: $21,190 + 0 (On Jeopardy: $23,600)
Vicki & Jeff Fields on Wheel of Fortune (4-6-2017)
Vicki and Jeff Fields filled in one spot with their vowel pick. That told them the last word wasn’t “myself” but they just couldn’t figure the phrase out in 10 seconds. They had to kiss $34,000 goodbye.

Fri, 4-7-17: Wheel: $23,190 + $34,000 (On Jeopardy: $14,800)
Corri & David Wells on Wheel of Fortune (4-7-2017)
That “F” Corri and David Wells picked was the biggest help, and their vowel was good too, so they nailed the Bonus Round puzzle.


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