Wheel of Fortune, Week of 7-27-2020
It’s Wheel of Fortune, America’s Game and we’re posting the Bonus Puzzle with the winner’s final prize amount. By way of comparison, the Jeopardy! payoff is also included with a link to the recap of that game.
Reruns this week from the week of May 9, 2016 (Denver Week)
Mon 7-27-20 (rerun from 5-9-16) Wheel: $50,000
On Jeopardy: $2,900
Jen added one C, one P and two O’s to her 2-word puzzle. Those excellent choices
_ A D _ _ O _ V I N G
T _ I _
_ U Z Z _ _
super easy. Jen picked up an extra $33,000 to top off the $17,000 she already won.
Tue 7-28-20 (rerun from 5-10-16) Wheel: $57,650
On Jeopardy: $16,600
Steph got one M and two A’s out of her letter choices. Pat didn’t think that was a lot of help
W _ T _ T _ _ T
_ _ S T
W O _ _
in particular, but Steph got it right on her first try. Fantastic! She was over the top to find out she won $45,000 in addition to the 12,650 she won in the main game.
Wed 7-29-20 (rerun from 5-11-16) Wheel: $31,715
On Jeopardy: $3,300
Lisa put one C and one O in her puzzle, both starting letters. Alas, when a wrong word gets
S _ _ C K I _
Y O _ _
_ E _ D,
it’s a real obstacle to solving a word puzzle, especially a timed one. Most of the time, it doesn’t cost you any money. In this case, it cost Lisa $33,000, but she had the consolation of winning almost as much in the main game.
Thu 7-30-20 (rerun from 5-12-16) Wheel: $10,660
On Jeopardy: $14,000
Ahna got an H, a C and two O’s from her letters. It looked very promising but Ahna stumbled over the first word for too long. Frustrating to watch when you know what it is but
Y _ U H _ _ E
T _
_ D _ I R _
the good sportsmanship that is displayed when these things happen. Ahna missed out on an extra $33,000. (I have a fit if I forget to use a $2.00 coupon!!)
Fri 7-31-20 (rerun from 5-13-16) Wheel: $13,500
On Jeopardy: $35,700
Tameika got an H and an A out of her selections. Once again, the first word proved to be
A _ O _ S _ A _ L E
_ O
_ I _ _ O R Y
although Tameika had the rest of the phrase. There went another $33,000.