Wheel of Fortune, Week of 5-9-2022

It’s Wheel of Fortune, America’s Game and we’re posting the Bonus Puzzle with the winner’s final prize amount. By way of comparison, the Jeopardy! payoff is also included with a link to the recap of that game.

Season 39

Mon 5-9: $122,903
On Jeopardy: $12,399
Mike on Wheel of Fortune (5-9-22)
Mike only got a P out of the letters he chose. That proved to be the first letter of the first word and
J U _ _ 🟪 _ H A _ 🟪 _ A _ 🟪 N _ _ D _ D
for a quick solve. It was also a very lucky P because Mike’s bonus prize was $100,000. Mike was so excited, he got down on the floor and made a snow angel in the confetti. What a way to start the week!

Tue 5-10: $16,550
On Jeopardy: $14,100
Davin on Wheel of Fortune (5-10-22)
Davin put two C’s and one A in the bonus puzzle. He guessed words with more A’s in them,
F _ _ L _ N G 🟪 _ O 🟪 R E _ L _ Z E 🟪 _ H A _
no more A’s were going to show up. That’s why I don’t agree with Pat that he needed another letter. You’ve got to remember that they don’t reuse letters in this game. If you see one A up there, there ain’t no more! Davin missed out on an extra $39,000.

Wed 5-11: $13,650
On Jeopardy: $7,199
Joshua on Wheel of Fortune (5-11-22)
With a possible million bucks on the line, Joshua only put an O in his puzzle.
_ H I _ 🟪 W A _ 🟪 O _ E 🟪 _ I _ U A _ _ O _
where another letter or a different vowel would have been mighty helpful. Pat didn’t comment on that. He just told Joshua he was way off on his guess for the second word. True, but “vacations” wasn’t a bad guess. At least it fit. Happily, Joshua didn’t pick the million dollar wedge. Unhappily, he lost out on an extra $39,000.

Thu 5-12: $20,750
On Jeopardy: $18,000
Bre on Wheel of Fortune (5-12-22)
Bre got two B’s and two A’s out of her letters. That looked like a decent start,
_ _ P _ C I A _ _ Y 🟪 F _ _ 🟪 _ H I _ 🟪 C A _ _ G _ _ Y
where, most times, you know the last three letters of the first word. That made the verb a 5-letter word in this instance, but Bre was guessing 4-letter verbs and that cost her an extra $39,000.

Fri 5-13: $15,500
On Jeopardy: $18,000
Kelly on Wheel of Fortune (5-13-22)
Kelly only put one H and one O in her puzzle. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but on
_ H _ 🟪 S _ R _ _ G _ H 🟪 _ F 🟪 _ H _ S _
two additions, she was able to figure out all but one word. As frustrating as that is, many a bonus prize has been lost for the want of one letter. In this case, it was a MINI Cooper.



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