Wheel of Fortune, Week of 12-2-2019

It’s Wheel of Fortune, America’s Game and we’re posting the Bonus Puzzle with the winner’s final prize amount. By way of comparison, the Jeopardy! payoff is also included with a link to the recap of that game.

Theme: Safe Travels!

Mon 12-2-19 $30,950
On Jeopardy: $7,349
Sandra on Wheel of Fortune (12-2-2019)
Sandra only got an A out of the letters she picked. Just like each day last week, you could see how
_ H A _ W O _ L _ _ _ R N O _ _
and if you guessed it would be a $37,000 card, you were right about that, too.

Tue 12-3-19 $17,900
On Jeopardy: $12,399
Lena on Wheel of Fortune (12-3-2019)
Lena only got a G out of her letters. It’s hard to believe that this
_ P E _ _ _ A _ ‘ T _ E _ R _ K E _ !
Oh, well, maybe tomorrow… today, it cost another $37,000.

Wed 12-4-19 $20,788
On Jeopardy: $45,200
Lem on Wheel of Fortune (12-4-2019)
Lem got an F, a P and two O’s from his letters, and those consonants started off each word in his 2-word puzzle, so that was
A _ _ G H _ Y B _ G _ _ P R O _ E _ E N _
over the last batch. However, the last word eluded Lem and so did the $37,000 on the card.

Thu 12-5-19 $20,412
On Jeopardy: $29,600
Brian on Wheel of Fortune (12-5-2019)
Brian got one C and two O’s from his letters. It wasn’t much help and Brian’s attempt to solve it was foiled by his starting off
W _ _ H _ N _ N _ E F _ N _ _ E _ R _ _ C L E,
rather than a pronoun. The lost prize was another $37,000.

Fri 12-6-19 $65,567
On Jeopardy: $15,500
Jamie on Wheel of Fortune (12-6-2019)
Jamie added one H, one P and three A’s to the puzzle. That was
A B _ U _ F _ U _ M _ _ E L E _ _ E _ S
than we have seen added in a while. He was able to solve it in half the time and he added $37,000 to the $28,547 from the main game.



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