Wheel of Fortune, Week of 12-14-2020

It’s Wheel of Fortune, America’s Game and we’re posting the Bonus Puzzle with the winner’s final prize amount. By way of comparison, the Jeopardy! payoff is also included with a link to the recap of that game.

Theme: Secret Santa

Mon 12-14-20: $15,988
On Jeopardy: $38,001
Colette on Wheel of Fortune (12-14-2020)
Colette got one C, one H and 3 A’s from the letters she chose. That was pretty good, especially when
I _ _ _ A C _ I C A _ _ Y S _ E _ _ E D O U _
the last word. Sadly, that was no help to Colette. She couldn’t figure out the last word and never got around to the first. She lost out on an extra $38,000.

Tue 12-15-20: $57,850
On Jeopardy: $31,000
Diana on Wheel of Fortune (12-15-2020)
Diana put one M, one Y and 3 A’s into her bonus puzzle. That put her
I _ A _ I _ E A _ P O _ I _ I O _
for a quick solve. Diana reeled off the solution and won an extra $38,000 on top of the $19,850 from the main game.

Wed 12-16-20: $25,920
On Jeopardy: $35,000
Donovan on Wheel of Fortune (12-16-2020)
Donovan got one C, one M and one I out of his choices. With that assistance, he quickly figured out the last word but he
_ O _ N D _ H E _ I R S _ _ R _ S _ R A _ I N G.
Time ran out and Donovan didn’t win the Ford Edge on the card. That was a toughie!

Thu 12-17-20: $39,816
On Jeopardy: $27,800
Dawn on Wheel of Fortune (12-17-2020)
Dawn added a C and a D to the puzzle. This really was a hard puzzle, unless you
C _ O S _ T _ _ R _ G _ T _ O W _ L,
Dawn did not so she didn’t have much of a chance. She lost out on the $50,000 on the card.

Fri 12-18-20: $42,050
On Jeopardy: $3,999
Cody on Wheel of Fortune (12-18-2020)
Cody got one G and one O out of his selections. That didn’t give him a lot to work with but he still pulled out
O N _ _ A T H _ _ C _ O S _ _ U _ S S .
“You just needed to be more enthusiastic,” Pat said. Cody missed out on a Ford Edge but he had quite a payday all the same.



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