Wheel of Fortune, Week of 11-15-2021
It’s Wheel of Fortune, America’s Game and we’re posting the Bonus Puzzle with the winner’s final prize amount. By way of comparison, the Jeopardy! payoff is also included with a link to the recap of that game.
Season 39
Mon 11-15-21: $52,150
On Jeopardy: $30,401
Valerie’s letter choices all met with success but it was the two A’s that helped the most. As she joyfully
J _ M _ E _ _ _
A N _
_ O _ N,
Pat expressed his amazement at how quickly she figured it out. Valerie won an additional $39,000. That made her $13,150 win almost four times better.
Tue 11-16-21: $60,010
On Jeopardy: $19,863
Gabe got a B, a C and two A’s from her letters. That made for a speedy solve of a rather obvious but strange puzzle. For one thing, I don’t really expect the phrase category to include something you can just go out and purchase. For another, why do you suppose they
P _ _ K _ D T _ _ T
P _ R T _ _ U L _ R
_ T _ M ?
although I suppose her letters could have worked with A cucumber or zucchini. Gabe’s $21,010 from the main game got a big bump with another $39,000.
Wed 11-17-21: $18,730
On Jeopardy: $31,600
Angel put a C and two A’s into her bonus puzzle. In her effort to solve it quickly, she forgot to exclude the common letters from her guesses. That
_ _ M O S _ _ _ W _ Y S
_ S E S
_ P
too much time and it certainly did this time. Angel missed out on the $39,000 bonus.
Thu 11-18-21: $21,650
On Jeopardy: $31,800
Steven got one G and three O’s from the letters he chose. It didn’t take him long at all to figure out the first word. Then, horrors of horrors, he got stuck on
_ H E W _ O N _
_ A S _
_ E _ _ E _
for the second word. We’ll never know if a few more seconds would have helped. We only know he didn’t win the $39,000 bonus prize.
Fri 11-19-21: $51,600
On Jeopardy: $44,600
Joe picked good letters, getting one of each consonant and two of the vowel. All the same, it was
A _ I _ H T Y
_ _ O S E
_ A _ _
It’s certainly mystifying how players sometimes get puzzles that look awfully hard immediately and other times, blow puzzles that look awfully easy. Luckily, Joe did not succumb to the pressure. He finally got it and that was worth an extra $39,000 on top of the $12,600 he already won.