Wheel of Fortune, Week of 10-19-2020

It’s Wheel of Fortune, America’s Game and we’re posting the Bonus Puzzle with the winner’s final prize amount. By way of comparison, the Jeopardy! payoff is also included with a link to the recap of that game.

Theme: Wheel Across America

Mon 10-19-20: $61,200
On Jeopardy: $16,808
Cheryl on Wheel of Fortune (10-19-2020)
Cheryl put a D and two A’s in the bonus puzzle. She
S _ _ M _ D A L I _ _ L _ _ Y S _ I F I _ D
at first. Then it came to her in a sudden flash and she added $38,000 to the $23,200 she picked up earlier.

Tue 10-20-20: $17,660
On Jeopardy: $10,400
Allison on Wheel of Fortune (10-20-2020)
Allison got two P’s and one O out of the letters she selected. You just can’t spend more than
A _ E C _ N _ _ R T W _
trying to work with a word that just won’t be in the puzzle and that’s why thinking the second word was “appliEd” ate up Allison’s 10 seconds. She missed out on the $38,000 bonus.

Wed 10-21-20: $77,115
On Jeopardy: $25,200
Tim on Wheel of Fortune (10-21-2020)
Tim only got one I out of the letters he picked. Sometimes that can
E _ _ I _ _ E _ U I _ E _ I _ A _ T E _ ,
but this time, as you can see, it was a big help. Tim was thrilled to add a Ford Explorer worth $44,815 to the $32,300 he already won.

Thu 10-22-20: $26,100
On Jeopardy: $26,100
Nikki on Wheel of Fortune (10-22-2020)
Nikki only got one G out of her letters, and weren’t we just saying yesterday how getting only one letter might
L _ A V _ Y _ U W _ T _ N _ T _ I N _ ,
to work with? That’s what happened with this one. Nikki missed out on the Ford Explorer.

Fri 10-23-20: $20,250
On Jeopardy: $17,201
Mike on Wheel of Fortune (10-23-2020)
Mike put one C and one O in the bonus puzzle. The first letter of the first word would have been helpful and was really the only one a player would
B _ _ I K _ _ Y T _ C H _ _ S _.
It was a tough one otherwise. Mike didn’t get the $38,000 bonus prize.



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