Wheel of Fortune, Week of 10-14-2019

It’s Wheel of Fortune, America’s Game and we’re posting the Bonus Puzzle with the winner’s final prize amount. By way of comparison, the Jeopardy! payoff is also included with a link to the recap of that game.

Theme: Great Northwest

Mon 10-14-19 $15,700
On Jeopardy: $20,400
Jennifer on Wheel of Fortune (10-14-2019)
Jennifer got two D’s and one A from the 5 letters she chose (she had a Wild Card). Unfortunately, she didn’t get any
S O L _ _ _ _ R E C _ _ O N _ R O _ _ H A _,
so she didn’t win the GMC Terrain that was on the card.

Tue 10-15-19 $19,660
On Jeopardy: $31,000
Amy on Wheel of Fortune (10-15-2019)
Amy got one D and two A’s from her selections. That left her with
T _ _ M _ N _ _ M P T _ _ P _ C _ _,
to get anywhere. For the second day in a row, a GMC Terrain was lost.

Wed 10-16-19 $33,260
On Jeopardy: $42,600
Mike on Wheel of Fortune (10-16-2019)
Mike put two G’s, a C and three I’s into his bonus puzzle. He got hung up on a wrong third word there and
_ H A _ ‘ S _ H A _ _ R _ V _ N _ _ D H I _
from winning another $37,000, even though he latched onto the first word!

Thu 10-17-19 $72,013
On Jeopardy: $18,200
Emily on Wheel of Fortune (10-17-2019)
Emily picked 5 letters, courtesy of her Wild Card and got two B’s, one D and two A’s. That resulted in
A S I _ H _ _ A _ _ L_Y S _ _ N
when the entire second word appeared on the board. The first word was obvious so all she had to do was say the answer to pocket an extra $37,000. She won $35,013 in the main game. What a payday!

Fri 10-18-19 $58,100
On Jeopardy: $3,599
Matt on Wheel of Fortune (10-18-2019)
Matt got a G and 2 O’s.Then he added 2 F’s
W _ T _ _ _ S W _ L _ _ A R _.
For the second day in a row, all but the first word was spelled out so it was another slam dunk and another $37,000 bonus. He won $21,100 in the main game.



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