Wheel of Fortune, Week of 1-31-2022
It’s Wheel of Fortune, America’s Game and we’re posting the Bonus Puzzle with the winner’s final prize amount. By way of comparison, the Jeopardy! payoff is also included with a link to the recap of that game.
Season 39
Mon 1-31-22: $17,000
On Jeopardy: $11,999
Jenn only got a D and an A from her letters. That uncovered the one word she already knew, and as we have
S _ _ N _ A R
T _ _
_ _ T _ N
there is little hope of winning the bonus round if that’s all you’ve got. Jenn missed out on a Lincoln Corsair
Tue 2-1-22: $68,300
On Jeopardy: $28,800
Michael got one each of the letters he selected. With a headstart like that, he had the
_ I _ S T W _ _ D
_ I G _ _ E D
O _ T
before long. The rest of the puzzle soon followed. Michael won an extra $39,000, more than double the $29,300 he won in the main game.
Wed 2-2-22: $15,200
On Jeopardy: $22,200
Dinah had a Wild Card but she only got an A out of her 5 picks. Whatever chance
_ H _ H _ _
_ I M _ L Y
_ V _ _ O R _ T _ _
when she tried to start the first word with an H and didn’t change direction. Dinah missed out on a Lincoln Corsair.
Thu 2-3-22: $31,506
On Jeopardy: $14,799
Kchristshan put two O’s in the bonus puzzle. Her chances of success
_ I _ N ‘ _ L _ _ K
_ H A _
_ A D
once she nailed the first word. Unfortunately, she couldn’t complete the phrase and collect the extra $39,000 on the card.
Fri 2-4-22: $30,050
On Jeopardy: $17,200
Janell got two A’s out of her letter choices. That was the third time this week a contestant only got a vowel or two. They say the third
_ I _ E _ S
_ _ E
C _ A R _
but, for lack of a helpful letter, that didn’t work out. The first word remained a mystery until the buzzer went off and Janell didn’t win the extra $39,000 on the card.