Wheel of Fortune, Week of 1-3-2022

It’s Wheel of Fortune, America’s Game and we’re posting the Bonus Puzzle with the winner’s final prize amount. By way of comparison, the Jeopardy! payoff is also included with a link to the recap of that game.

Season 39

Mon 1-3-22: $32,224
On Jeopardy: $42,000
Danielle on Wheel of Fortune (1-3-22)
Danielle put one H and two G’s in the bonus puzzle, and that
M _ R _ L Y C _ _ F _ R M _ D _ W _ _ H _ _ G S
she already knew, but it did nothing to help Danielle win the Ford Escape on the bonus card.

Tue 1-4-22: $19,210
On Jeopardy: $20,400
Kim on Wheel of Fortune (1-4-22)
Kim didn’t pick any letters that might have helped her out. However, when you look at the 5 missing consonants after the fact, 4 of them are
_ A _ E L _ _ H O _ E _ B _ _ O _ T E _ T A _ T _
Kim picked the $45,000 card and it’s a shame she didn’t get a better shot at winning the money.

Wed 1-5-22: $32,000
On Jeopardy: $32,000
Thallen on Wheel of Fortune (1-5-22)
In a bit of deja vu, Thallen didn’t pick any helpful letters. She only got a W that she didn’t even need. The difference today was that out of the 5 different
C O _ S O _ A _ T _ _ H A _ W _ R _ M I _ _ I _ G
only one was a rare choice but that was a tough puzzle all the same. Thallen also had a $45,000 card that she didn’t win.

Thu 1-6-22: $71,150
On Jeopardy: $27,400
Shafi on Wheel of Fortune (1-6-22)
Shafi had a Wild Card but he only got a C out of the 5 letters he picked. Luckily, it turned up in a most useful position in his 2-word puzzle. And so,
I _ _ A _ E _ O P A _ _
that the bonus puzzle was finally solved on the 4th day of the week and Shafi added an extra $39,000 to his take.

Fri 1-7-22: $21,210
On Jeopardy: $42,200
Laura on Wheel of Fortune (1-7-22)
Laura had a shot at a million bucks. She got one G, one B and two A’s from her letters. Unfortunately, they
_ F F _ R _ D N _ A _ _ I _ T A N C _ _ H A T _ _ V _ R
with the last word. At any rate, Laura was still struggling with the first word when her time ran out. It doesn’t really matter whether the million or a stick of gum was on the card. In either case, she wasn’t getting it but, for the record, it was $39,000.



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