Shia LaBeouf Vital Stats

Name Meaning
Shia is of Hebrew origin,
meaning “gift of God”
Vital Stats
Birthday: June 11, 1986
Birth Name: Shia Saide LaBeouf
* pron. sh-eye-ya la-buff
Birthplace: Los Angeles, CA
Height: 5′ 9-1/4″
Race/Ethnicity: White
Nationality: American
Primary Occupation: actor
Father: Jeffrey Craig LaBeouf
Mother: Shayna LaBeouf
Love Life
Dated: China Brezner (2004-07)
Dated: Carey Mulligan (2009-10)
Dated: Megan Fox
Dated: Isabel Lucas
Dated: Rihanna
Dated: China Brezner
More Info
Shia LaBeouf on IMDB
Shia LaBeouf Bestsellers