11 Jeopardy! Clues September 12, 2019
Here are 2 triple stumpers from the 9-12-2019 Jeopardy! match.
EVERYDAY FOOTBALL TERMS ($800) A sudden rushed or ill-informed type of judgment
YOGA POSES ($2000) You’ve reached the bottom of the category, time to rest in this person’s pose

The players got all these clues in BLANK THAT GUY:
($200) Connived his way to control of the New York City Treasury in the 1870s: William “_____” _____
($400) Alliterative SS Chief: Heinrich _____
($600) Ran a brutal gang in Prohibition-era NYC: Dutch _____
($800) Shot near a Virginia farmhouse in April 1865: _____ _____ _____
($1000) Took over in Cambodia in 1975: _____ _____
The players got all these clues in BEEN AROUND AWHILE, except the $1600 one (*)
($400) History’s longest papacy, that of Piux IX, included the 1854 affirmation of this doctrine that Mary was born without original sin
($800) During China’s 800-year Zhou dynasty, these came into common use, maybe as cooks dealt with scarcity by serving tinier bits of food
($1200) To raise money for his army, King Charles I called the “Long” one of these in 1640; it lasted past the king’s death in 1649
*($1600) In 1963 in Berlin, 46-year-old JFK met with 87-year-old Chancellor Adenauer, known as Der Alte, meaning this
The $2000 clue in that category was a Daily Double, you’ll find that and more information on Final Jeopardy! on Fikkle Fame’s full Daily Jeopardy! Recap