8 Jeopardy! Clues July 10, 2018

Here are 3 triple stumpers from the 7-10-2018 Jeopardy! match.

GOOD GROOMING ($1000) Rough elbows can benefit from this type of product that hydrates & softens, from the Latin for “soft”

EXTREME SPORTS? ($800) Most faked injuries? Gotta be soccer, where faking an injury is called this, also an Olympic sport

YESTERCAREER ($2000) Author/magistrate Henry Fielding professionalized this job when he started the Bow Street Runners

There were 3 more triple stumpers (*) in TIME RHYME:
($200) A very trendy 7-day period
*($400) An eventual stitch for a wound
($600) A wise expert on the Bronze or Iron time span
*($800) Calculated 1/60th of a minute
*($1000) I know a guy for whom Pete’s Wicked Ale had this 4-word distinction for 1993


Today’s Daily Doubles and more information on Final Jeopardy! on Fikkle Fame’s full Daily Jeopardy! Recap

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