12 Jeopardy! Clues June 6, 2018

Here are 7 triple stumpers from the 6-6-2018 Jeopardy! match.

AROUND THE HOUSE ($1000) The name of this piece of home furniture can also mean a table holding sacramental vessels

CALL ME BY YOUR NAME ($200) That’s neat-o keen: ___-dandy

THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS ($800) This term specifies a physical reference point for an object; ballet uses the term for specific postures

LITERARY OOPS! ($2000) At the end of “Jurassic Park”, the island is attacked by this country’s military, abolished in the 1940s

PRIZE PACKAGES ($1600) A gala dinner in NYC, & an award that shows “The University of Georgia” above George’s profile

($2000) $100,000 & a bronze medal inscribed with the fundamental principles of the Roman architect Vitruvius

KING JAMES BIBLE COMMON WORDS ($400) This conjunction begins many a sentence including Verses 2 through 26 of Genesis 1

The players got all the clues in “CO”-OPERATIVE, except the ones marked with an asterisk:

($200) Insert “co” into a lima legume & you get this shining signal
($400) “co” interrupts a word for a prohibition, yielding this breakfast favorite
*($600) A word meaning respected or venerated adds “co” & becomes this word meaning “found again”
($800) Inserting “co” into Gollum’s favorite word creates this adjective for a mature child
*($1000) A university administrator is given a “co” & gets this newer, holier job

Answers: show

Today’s Daily Doubles and more information on Final Jeopardy! on Fikkle Fame’s full Daily Jeopardy! Recap

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