7 Jeopardy! Clues December 7, 2018

Here are 2 triple stumpers from the 12-7-2018 Jeopardy! match.

HEELS ($1000) “The Boy Who Made Shoes for Lizards” is the subtitle of a documentary about this Spanish designer of high heels

IT’S JUST GRASS, MAN ($2000) A member of the dog family is in the name of this common meadow grass with soft brush-like flowering spikes

The players got all these clues in THE MEDICAL FILE OF ALEX TREBEK:

($400) When I was 5 years old I had these infection fighters removed and was promised all the ice cream I could eat… still waiting
($800) I’m not one of the writers, but sure enough developed this wrist condition due to pressure on the median nerve
($1200) Running after a thief down a hotel hallway, I blew out this body part named for the son of a nymph
($1600) Many suffer lower back pain & like me may opt for this procedure that joins vertebrae together
($2000) I’m fine now but slipping and hitting my head led to blood on the brain, a subdural one of these swellings


Today’s Daily Doubles and more information on Final Jeopardy! on Fikkle Fame’s full Daily Jeopardy! Recap

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