12 Jeopardy! Clues December 14, 2018

Here are 8 triple stumpers from the 12-14-2018 Jeopardy! match.

CENTURY 19 REAL ESTATE LISTINGS ($1000) Completed in 1890, this NYC venue will be demo’ed in 1925, though it may be replaced

ODD WORDS ($200) To Aussies, a loss by a sports favorite is a boilover; to us, this 5-letter word

($400) Defervescence is a decrease in this bodily measurement

($1000) Inunction is a synonym for this, the application of oil as consecration

TEAMS ON THE MOVE ($1000) After the 2005 season, this MLS city’s original Quakes moved to Houston; in 2008 it got a new swarm

CELEBRITIES ($2000) Solana Imani Rowe performs under this 3-letter name, as on “All the Stars” with Kendrick Lamar

LAW PRACTICE ($1600) This Latin word follows “corpus” in a term meaning “body of the crime”

JACK WHO OR WHAT? ($2000) Time Magazine coined this nickname for paint-flicking artist Pollock

The players got all these clues in “MYTHICAL TAXONOMY”

($200) Nessiteras rhombopteryx has been suggested as a scientific name for this Scottish creature
($400) The scientists in this 2015 sequel create the “Indominus rex” & it lives up to its name
($600) Gigantopithecus canadensis was suggested by some for this North American fellow
($800) The Xenomorphs in this space horror film series have been called Internecivus raptus


The $1,000 clue was a Daily Double. You’ll find that and more information on Final Jeopardy! on Fikkle Fame’s full Daily Jeopardy! Recap

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