10 Jeopardy! Clues November 7, 2018

In the 11-7-2018 Jeopardy! match, there were three triple stumpers in the SPORTS ABBREV. category (marked with a *):

*($200) It’s also called a walk: BB
*($400) A boxer wants to be on the giving end: TKO
($600) For a hoopster: PPG
($800) He tries to sack the quarterback: DE
*($1000) Part of baseball stats: WAR


The players got all these clues in QUOTING THE MOVIES

($400) 2015: “I gotta… grow 3 years worth of food… on a planet where nothing grows… luckily, I’m a botanist!
($800) A 2003 cartoon: “All drains lead to the ocean”
($1200) 2009: “You’re not in Kansas anymore, you’re on Pandora”
($1600) 2013, Clooney to Sandra Bullock: “Nobody special? Somebody down there looking up, thinking about you?”
($2000) 2017: “I had no father. My mother sculpted me from clay & I was brought to life by Zeus”


Today’s Daily Doubles and more information on Final Jeopardy! on Fikkle Fame’s full Daily Jeopardy! Recap

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