10 Jeopardy! Clues October 14, 2019

Here are 5 triple stumpers from the 10-14-2019 Jeopardy! match.

SPEAK SOFTLY ($200) Double talk word for a low, constant stream of noise or speech

A BIG STATISTIC ($400) Drowning is the most common death for those doing this, the most dangerous job in the U.S. as per a 2019 newspaper report

($1000) BLK on the NYSE, it has more than 6 trillion dollars in assets under management, more than any other firm

LOVE SONGS ($1600) They breathed life into songs like “All Out Of Love” & “Lost In Love”

THE TREATY SAYS SO ($2000) This is the only Great Lake not mentioned in the Paris Peace Treaty of 1783 with Great Britain

The players got all the clues in LET’S LIVE ABROAD:

($200) Let’s turn our winter into mega-winter in this region that’s about 75% of Russia’s area; we love a brisk -80 degree day!
($400) …but not too far abroad! This border city about 15 miles south of San Diego will keep us close to the good ol’ USA
($600) We’ll add ourselves to the 2.6 million in this most populous city in Canada; West Queen West is a happening area
($800) As this city hosted the Olympics in ’92 & Hans Christian Andersen called it the “Paris of Spain”, I say we give it a shot
($1000) With salons of Armani & Versace & the super-ritzy “Golden Rectangle” of fashion in the center of this Italian city…ciao!


Today’s Daily Doubles and more information on Final Jeopardy! on Fikkle Fame’s full Daily Jeopardy! Recap

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