Final Jeopardy: Rock Icons (12-30-11)
The Final Jeopardy question (12/30/2011) in the category “Rock Icons” was:
While he’s had 12 Top 20 hits on Billboard, including 7 from a 1984 album, he’s never had a No. 1 single.
New champion Dave Leach returned today to take on these two challengers: Tom Vanderbilt from Brooklyn, NY and Lisa Spardel-Krol from Watertown, Massachusetts.
Dave swept through the Movie Quotes category and had a $4,000 lead by the first commercial break. Lisa just got out of the hole when she found the Daily Double in “Museums of Germany.” She had $200 but bet the $1,000 allowance. She gave the name of a city, not a person, so she was WRONG.
A Mainz Museum honoring this most famous son traces the history of printing & has a replica of his press on display. show
Dave finished in the lead with $9,200. Tom was next with $3,800 and Lisa was pulling up the rear with $200.
In Double Jeopardy, Tom found the first Daily Double in “On Deck.” He had $4,200 against Dave’s $9,200. Alex didn’t even have to bait him — he made it a true Daily Double on his own. Even with that unbelievably helpful first part of the clue, he was WRONG. Maybe if they had put in it was also a square dance move?
A type of walk, or an upper deck on a passenger ship where folks can stroll. show
Dave got the second Daily Double in “National Parks of the World.” At this point, he had $18,800, Lisa had $1,800 and Tom was back to zero again after getting back up to $2,000 and losing a $2,000 clue! Dave bet $3,000. He was RIGHT.
The largest national park lies on this island; at 375,000 square miles, it occupies about 45% of the island’s area.” show
Time ran out with 4 clues unveiled. Alex said it was a tough game for all 3 of the contestants. We beg to differ. Dave did very well, finishing in the lead with $19,800. Lisa was next with $1,800 and Tom was last with $400.
NONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy right. Unlike yesterday, they weren’t even close.
While it is true The Boss never had a number one single as a singer, he did have one as a songwriter. The Bruce Springsteen composition “Blinded by the Light” went to No. 1 in 1977 when it was covered by Manfred Mann.
Tom wrote down “Jackson.” He bet it all and went down to zero once again. Michael Jackson had 13 No. 1 Billboard singles in his solo career alone.
Lisa wrote down “Prince.” She bet $10 so she was left with $1,790. Prince had 5 No. 1 singles on Billboard.
Dave also wrote down “Prince.” He bet $716 and won his second game with $19,084. His 2-day total is $34,683.
If you’re interested to know the name of the book Tom wrote about Traffic, it is Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us)