Final Jeopardy: Classic Games (10-25-11)
The Final Jeopardy question (10/25/2011), in the category Classic Games, was:
“Monopoly creator Charles Darrow’s sole quote in “The Yale Book of Quotations” includes this 3-digit number“
Two-day champion Balaji Narain, who told us yesterday that he is currently living and working in Hong Kong, returned today to take on: Jennifer Dockter and Gabor Vari, both from the Golden State.
Gabor proved to be a formidable player in the Jeopardy round. He was the only one with any money ($1,400) when he got the Daily Double in the category Libros En EspaƱol: “A bestselling memoir: “Come, Reza, Ama”. He bet it all and doubled his money.
Jennifer’s knowledge of movies and cars helped her get to $5,000, half of Gabor’s score at the end of this round. Balaji was in third place with $1,600.
Jennifer got the first Daily Double in Double Jeopardy and jumped into the lead, aiming to give Gabor some serious competition. And she did for a while, but then Gabor took over and got the second Daily Double. He didn’t bet that much on it — a mere $2,000 — even though he had a $4,000 lead by then, but he got it right and ended the round with $23,600.
Jennifer was a fairly close second with $17,200. Our 2-day champion took quite a drubbing and finished both rounds with $6,000.
Jennifer and Gabor had big smiles on their faces as the camera panned past them while the final strains of the Final Jeopardy song played. Balaji’s incorrect answer of 101 was shown after it ended, then his bet of his total $6,000. That left him with a big goose egg. It’s back to Hong Kong for Balaji but certainly not empty-handed. That 2-day total of $55,799 will surely ease the agony of defeat.
Jennifer and Gabor both had the correct answer.
WHAT IS $200.00?
The full quote: “Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.”
Jennifer bet $16,000 taking her up to $33,200. Gabor bet $10,801 so he knew he would be the new champion if he got the answer right even if Jennifer bet everything she had.
It was a great game. Jennifer sure gave Gabor a run for his money for a little while there.
Guess you only get one quotation in “The Yale Book of Quotations” or they might have also included the “Bank Error in Your Favor” card. On that one, you do collect $200.