Jeopardy! Clues January 2, 2017
Jeopardy! Clues from 1/2/17, featuring Mukund Marathe, Gavin Mulligan and Katie Carter
Trivia, Jeopardy Recaps and More Blasts from the Past
Jeopardy! Clues from 1/2/17, featuring Mukund Marathe, Gavin Mulligan and Katie Carter
Jeopardy! Clues from 12/30/16, featuring Mukund Marathe, Kate Gran, Ryan Vanderyacht
Jeopardy! Clues from 12/29/16, featuring Justin Scace, Mukund Marathe, Nathalie Szilagyi
Jeopardy! Clues from 12/28/16, featuring Stephanie Schlatter, Mike Lamar, Justin Scace
Jeopardy! Clues from 12/27/16, featuring Stephanie Schlatter, Colin Utley and Hallie Boston
Jeopardy! Clues from 12/xx/16, featuring Sam Scovill, Wren Allen, Stephanie Schlatter
Jeopardy! Clues from 12/23/16, featuring Sam Scovill, Molly Thacker and Vinnie Chiappini
Jeopardy! Clues from 12/22/16, featuring Sam Scoville, Amelia Reinwald and Brad Snyder
Jeopardy! Clues from 12/21/16, featuring Cindy Stowell, Sam Scovill and Jennifer Johnson
Jeopardy! Clues from 12/20/16, featuring Cindy Stowell, Colleen Cooper, Julia Kite