Wheel of Fortune: Teachers Week (Season 35 Debut)

Here are the bonus puzzles from Wheel of Fortune (Sept 11 – 15, 2017), Teachers Week, the first week of Season 35.

Mon 9-11-17 Wheel: $15,292 + $0
On Jeopardy: $14,400
Kriss Williams on Wheel of Fortune (9-11-2017)
Kriss Williams got a P and 2 Gs from her letter picks but she couldn’t get a handle on it; otherwise, she could have picked up an extra $35 grand.

Tue 9-12-17 Wheel: $11,200 + $35,000
On Jeopardy: $14,400
Laura Cheng on Wheel of Fortune (9-12-2017)
Laura Cheng added 3 letters to her bonus puzzle, an H, a P and an A. It seemed like she already knew it before that! Her card contained an extra $35,000 for a total of $46,200. Nice! On Jeopardy!, the winner was also named Laura.

Wed 9-13-17 Wheel: $23,650 + $0
On Jeopardy: $28,801
Joel Orsen on Wheel of Fortune (9-13-2017)
Joel Orsen only got the vowel out of his picks. The H and P that worked for Laura yesterday let him down. He missed out on a Mercedes SUV.

Thu 9-14-17 Wheel: $28,950 + $0
On Jeopardy: $6,500
Kristin Bivona on Wheel of Fortune (9-14-2017)
Kristin Bivona got a B, a G and 2 O’s worth of help but she was thrown by the second word beginning with a vowel. For the second time in a row, the Mercedes SUV was at stake.

Fri 9-15-17 Wheel: $20,020 + $35,000
On Jeopardy: $6,500
Bill Lyon on Wheel of Fortune (9-15-2017)
Bill Lyon figured this one out and picked every fill-in there was, except one, only because he couldn’t pick 2 vowels! That was just like Laura on Tuesday. Some people got it like that. Also like Laura, it was worth an extra $35,000. One difference was Bill had a million dollar card in the Bonus Wheel but he spun just a smidge too hard to land on it. Total winnings: $55,020


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