Wheel of Fortune: Last Bonus Rounds of Season 34

Here are the bonus puzzles from Wheel of Fortune (June 5 – June 9, 2017), (Summer Vacation). This was the last week of Season 34. New episodes won’t be shown until September 2017.

Mon 6-5-17 Wheel: $26,220 + $0 On Jeopardy: $18,402
Della Hodson on Wheel of Fortune (6-5-2017)
Della Hodson had a Wild Card for an extra consonant. She got 2 out of 4 on that. But her vowel pick was a bust. The C and H were both in the second word but even that wasn’t enough to get a handle on that word. The card she picked: $34,000.

Tue 6-6-17 Wheel: $11,866 + $34,000 On Jeopardy: $14,000
John  Major on Wheel of Fortune (6-6-2017)
John Major got one consonant and his vowel to help him out with this 2-word puzzle and that was all he needed. He also had a shot at the 1 million prize in the wheel and, man, he really gave that wheel a good spin. Maybe too good because the wedge he picked was on the opposite side of the million and was worth $34,000. Total winnings: $45,866.

Wed 6-7-17 Wheel: $19,829 + $0 On Jeopardy: $33,000
James Reed on Wheel of Fortune (6-7-2017)
James Reed had a Wild Card and got to pick an extra consonant but the 2 he got were from his regular choices. There was one instance of his vowel but it just wasn’t the right one. He lost out on a Jeep Wrangler.

Thu 6-8-17: Wheel: $25,050 + $0 On Jeopardy: $9,999
Tammy Torok on Wheel of Fortune (6-8-2017)
Tammy Torok got 2 of her consonants and even filled in the whole last word with her vowel. For the first word, she got close with another word that ended with the same 4 letters but she ran out of time before she realized that. Lost prize: $40,000.

Fri 6-9-17 Wheel: $16,350 + $0 On Jeopardy: $23,601
Kris Peterson on Wheel of Fortune (6-9-2017)
For the second time this week, the $1 million was in the wheel. A solve looked promising when ALL of Kris Peterson’s letter picks turned up in the puzzle. But 10 seconds just weren’t enough for her to figure it out. So there was some consolation in losing a Jeep Wrangler. It took Pat Sajak about 3 tries to find the million dollar card in the wheel, even with directions!


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No Responses

  1. Dalton HIgbee says:

    Season 34: One of the worst seasons ever for BR losses. Season 34 is over! Get ready for Season 35 of WoF in September 2017.