11 Jeopardy! Clues September 25, 2019

Here are 2 categories from the 9-25-2019 Jeopardy! match.

The players got all the clues in NEW DINER SLANG FOR SANDWICHES except the one marked with an asterix:

($200) Gimme a meatball “U-boat”, extra provolone
($400) Table 5 wants a “Rotary” or a “Glee”, hold the bacon
($600) A “Dumas Count” & a root beer, & hurry it up
*($800) “Brother of Joseph” in the Bible
($1000) “Mayflower Colonist”, lean turkey, easy cranberry

This was the J6 clue for that category: This sandwich could be ordered as a “Biden With a Beer Spill”, or a “Montana With a Mess”


The players got all the clues in WORDS FROM NATIVE AMERICAN LANGUAGES:

($400) The name of this pungent striped mammal comes from the Massachusett language
($800) THis word for a fierce tropical storm comes from the Taino name for a turbulent god
($1200) The high-flying condor gets its name from the word for that bird in this Inca language
($1600) Zucchini & pumpkins are both type of this vegetable, a gourd family from a Narrangansett name
($2000) From Salish, it can be a type of salmon of the Pacific Northwest, or a warm, dry wind


Here’s one more clue that was a triple stumper:

NON-GENEVA CONVENTIONS ($2000) This pro-central government party conducted the secret antiwar Hartford Convention of 1814-15

Today’s Daily Doubles and more information on Final Jeopardy! on Fikkle Fame’s full Daily Jeopardy! Recap

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