11 Jeopardy! Clues June 8, 2017

Here are 11 triple stumpers from the 6-8-2017 Jeopardy! match.

TRICKY ANIMALS ($600) When confronted with prey, the electric eel can double the charge of its shock when it’s positive this at the head and negative one at the tail come into proximity


($600) Amharic

WOOD WORDS ($400) This device in a plane controls the elevators & ailerons

($800) When paired with “up”, it means to make trim & neat, such as one’s appearance

THE NEW DEAL ($1000) This New Deal program, the CCC, built more than 800 parks & 30,000 wildlife shelters

U.S. GOVT. ABBREV. ($1600) NOAA: keeps track of the weather & climate data

CITY PARKS ($1200) This park named for a Spanish explorer is home to the world famous San Diego Zoo

($2000) This architect led the design team of Sao Paulo’s Ibirapuera Park, which has a plantarium shaped like a flying saucer

FAITH IN ENTERTAINMENT ($1200) Married to a country music superstar, she’s brought Christian music to millions of listeners

($1600) In this Aaron Paul show on Hulu, believers climb to try to reach the garden

Today’s Daily Doubles and more information on Final Jeopardy! on Fikkle Fame’s full Daily Jeopardy! Recap

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