Final Jeopardy: Popular Baby Names (12-14-11)

The Final Jeopardy question (12/14/2011) in the category “Popular Baby Names” was:

Character names in a book & movie series, the top names for 2009 and 2010 were Isabella for girls and this biblical one for boys.

Boomie’s Back! Sounds like a movie title, doesn’t it? But if Boomie Aglietti plays as well as he did yesterday, it may prove to be the rest of this week’s theme. Today, Boomie squared off against these two new players: Matt Harriss from So. Carolina and Jennifer Hills from Idaho. Alex forewarned them that Boomie “owned” yesterday’s game.

Jennifer found the lone Daily Double of the Jeopardy round in  “Movie Title Subjects.” She had $1,000 and made it a true Daily Double. She got it, taking the lead away from Boomie.

High Priest Imhotep (1999) show

During “meet the contestants,” Matt related taking his girlfriend to a tobacco-spitting contest, “Spittoono,” on their first date. Jennifer shared info about her teaching experience on the Crow Indian Reservation. Boomie shed light on the source of his nickname: as a little shaver in his crib, he loved to say “boom, boom, boom.” His real name is Laurent, which none of his teachers could pronounce. Alex Trebek, naturellement, could and did.

Boomie didn’t own this round. He ended up in third place with $1,600. Jennifer was next with $2,400 and Matt was in the lead with $4,400.

Boomie got the first Daily Double in Double Jeopardy. The category was “‘C’ in Science:”
Now in second place with $7,600, he chose to wager $2,500, and he was RIGHT. Boomie took the lead with a margin of $100 over Matt.

Originally, this unit of measure was the amount of radioactivity given off by one gram of radium. show

Boomie also got the second Daily Double in “The Country’s National Holiday.”
He now had $11,300 and bet $1,700. The guy’s just a teeny tiny bettor. Once again, he was RIGHT, as we shook our heads and asked “Why didn’t you bet more?”

November 3: Separation Day, commemorating its 1903 split with Colombia. show

Despite such conservative measures, Boomie owned this round ending with $22,200. Matt had second place with $7,200; and Jennifer was in third place with $5,600.

TWO contestants had the correct Final Jeopardy answer:


Isabella “Bella” Swan and Jacob Black are the characters in question from the “Twilight” series of books by American author, Stephenie Meyer. The wildly popular “Twilight” films made stars of Kristen Stewart (as Bella), Robert Pattinson (as Edward Cullen) and Taylor Lautner (as Jacob). Twilight didn’t actually cause Jacob to become the No. 1 name. It has been the No. 1 name for American boys since 1999, when it replaced Michael. Isabella replaced Emma as the No. 1 name in 2009. Twilight didn’t have much of an effect on the name Edward which ranked at No. 136 in 2010; and No. 137 in 2009, although it was up a bit from its 10-year low rank in 2008 (No. 148).  (Best Nicknames: US 2010 Top 10).

Jennifer got the correct answer and added $3,000 bringing her up to $8,600.

Clearly not a Twi-hard, Matt answered “What is Isaac.” That cost him $4,100 leaving him in third place with $3,199.

Boomie jokingly wrote down What is ‘Boomie’, crossed that out and put down ‘Jacob.’ Another weensy bet of $2,200 brought his winning total to $24,400 today, and a 2-day total of $58,799.

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