9 Jeopardy! Clues May 10, 2017

Here are 9 triple stumpers from the 5-10-2017 Jeopardy! match.

HIT THE GYM ($600) You’ll move through 8-10 different exercise stations to work different muscle groups in this kind of “round” training

($800) The Springfree brand of this lets you spring without springs; composite rods are used instead

($1000) Kid of all ages gets a kick learning this muscle strong enough to keep your trunk erect is the largest muscle in the body

ARCHIPELAGO-GO ($1600) Lajes Field on this Portuguese archipelago is the home of the USAF’s 65th air base group

($2000) Will you keep yapping about the Yap Islands, part of the Federated States of this

COMPOSERS ($2000) In an early 1800s love letter, this composer wrote, “Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my immortal beloved”

RHYMES WITH DUCK ($800) Grub or vittles, Charlie

GENERAL SCIENCE ($1600) Sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl is the main ingredient in this laundry product

($2000) These white blood cells that have a single well-defined nucleus are the largest blood cells

Today’s Daily Doubles and more information on Final Jeopardy! on Fikkle Fame’s full Daily Jeopardy! Recap

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